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Play Dates / Meet-ups

Private·17 members


This group is to help you form community education groups (or just connect with other home educating families), please post below.

Do remember it's not necessary for children to learn only with those of exactly their age and mixed groups can be beneficial to all. Finding others of similar age may make forging friendships and/or partner/group exercises within the group easier.

Please always bear in mind safeguarding issues and be careful about disclosing the exact location of where your children are on this forum. You can copy/paste the following as a template to help you get started, or go free-style if you prefer. You can also post in several groups that are within easy distance of you:

Name: No. kids & their ages:

Approximate location:

Enrollment status of children in school currently:

Your approach to parenting/educating (lots of us are still learning, so don't feel embarrassed if this is still something you're figuring out/discovering):

If you have time/availability to host/chaperone a group (and if so, how much/when?):

Areas of expertise/interest that you/your child could help others to build:

Other things that are important to you and your children:


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • November 24, 2021


  • Created by

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